What is your line between diversity of thought, and completely unacceptable, in your business? And how do you tell you are being fair when you make that judgement? Super simple topic with super simple answers that we tackle all in one short podcast...
What is your line between diversity of thought, and completely unacceptable, in your business? And how do you tell you are being fair when you make that judgement? Super simple topic with super simple answers that we tackle all in one short podcast episode!
Why is that important for business?
It can be uncomfortable to address it when an employee does or says something controversial or completely unacceptable. But you also have to ask yourself – how comfortable will you be if you get called out on not doing anything?
Like we talked about in episode 123 https://soheresmystory.com/ep123-sugar-spice-radiating-values/, if you choose to radiate your values with your business, you have to accept that there will be consequences to standing behind those values. And you have to be prepared to deal with it when something falls outside of those stated values.
It’s usually an easier choice the more extremely out of alignment with your value something is, but most of what you will be forced to deal with won’t be so clear cut. But ultimately, while you may recognize, appreciate and value diversity of thought, you are the ultimate arbiter of “what is acceptable here”.
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