This week, Jodi and Eliot talk about the situations where you don’t want to collaborate; there are times when you want the experts to lead. And it all starts with a trip to the doctor. Why is that important for business? In business, one of the most...
This week, Jodi and Eliot talk about the situations where you don’t want to collaborate; there are times when you want the experts to lead. And it all starts with a trip to the doctor.
Why is that important for business?
In business, one of the most challenging things to figure out is when is the time to stop listening, and do the thing that they came to do; when to stop collaborating, and be a leader.
If you are a professional, you need to find that place where it is time to stop listening and time to do the thing that they came to you to do.
In the book, When Breath Becomes Air, a doctor becomes a patient, and it becomes important for him to have space to be that –a patient.
Nobody wants an authoritarian leader who tells them what to do without taking their opinion into account. But there is unease when there isn’t clear leadership, and a clear idea of where we, together, are going.
There needs to be an underlying trust when having these conversations, that setting boundaries and limits are not the limits of professional expertise, but instead of guidelines to get the best results.
This isn’t just about who we are as leaders. The best clients are the ones who are coachable, and who are committed to their priorities, but not attached to those staying their priorities.
What story do you want to tell?
So we told you our story – now it’s time to tell us yours!
Go to and share your story.