April 24, 2018

Ep46: The Art of Finishing Well

We don't talk about endings enough, especially not ending things well, with as much celebration as we began them. And that is exactly what this episode is about. Why is that important for business? Consider ending your business, or a product line, or...

We don't talk about endings enough, especially not ending things well, with as much celebration as we began them. And that is exactly what this episode is about.

Why is that important for business?

Consider ending your business, or a product line, or even a relationship with a client or a team member – are you putting in the same effort to make a beautiful ending as you did when you started? Instead of ending by tapering off into a fizzling nothingness, celebrate everything that was; end with as much joy as you started with. Just because something is ending, doesn’t mean it was a failure; endings aren’t inherently bad. That is the belief that allows people to hold onto things they shouldn’t.

In public speaking, there are two aspects of the talk of particular import: primacy and recency. Primacy is the first thing you say, and it is what will be remembered. But recency, the last thing you said, is equally as memorable. So when considering how you want to be remembered, or how you want your business to be remembered, consider both the beginning and the end.

It is also important to remember that quitting is an art. We often have weird hang-ups around ending things or quitting things. But we need to allow endings to be thinkable, to be okay. If the possibility of an ending is unthinkable, you shut down so many options. It doesn’t have to be sad or wrong to say “this is done”; it is important to know when the last brush stroke has been applied to the painting. But take just as much care with the final brush strokes as you did with the rest, or your work may be ruined.

This also applies to letting someone go.

“The time has come for us to help you succeed somewhere else.” Paul Ricks

When someone is not a right fit, love them enough to not let them stay somewhere they don’t shine. Help them find where they belong and let them leave as a valued member of the team. Put as much effort into that ending as you did with the onboarding.

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